Selection: Prevue Benchmarks
What is the Advantage of Prevue Benchmarking?
Good human resource decisions should start with determining whether the abilities, interests and personality traits of job candidates match those required for the job for which the candidates are being considered. This can be accomplished by creating a profile or “Benchmark” of the features that a corporation’s experience has confirmed are required for the job. The importance of establishing accurate job requirements can be better understood by example.
Consider how uncomfortable you would be if the pilot flying your next flight was a risk-taker and disliked following detailed plans? How concerned would you be if your child’s school bus driver was extremely assertive and very competitive? In addition to stipulating minimum experience and education prerequisites, the job requirements should identify the personal characteristics that are desired in a candidate.
While it is easy to define the technical requirements of a job such as the required professional qualifications or the ability to use a computer, it is much more difficult to define a “people-person” or a “self-starter”.
Prevue Benchmarks graphically display the desired characteristics for the job as an overlay in Prevue Reports. Once a Prevue Benchmark has been created for one of your organization’s positions, any job applicant can be matched to the criteria described in the Benchmark.

Many assessment products that purport to be designed for hiring and promotion decisions only provide information about the candidate, with no reference to the position for which they are being considered. The Prevue Assessments compare candidates against Prevue Benchmarks: a customized job fit profile that describes the characteristics of the ideal candidate for each of the positions in your organization.
When you view Prevue Reports that make use of a Prevue Benchmark, you get not only a reliable description of important work-related characteristics of the candidate, but you also get to see how those characteristics match up against the characteristics that have been determined to be the best fit for the position.
Prevue completely automates the Benchmark creation process, allowing you to quickly, easily and economically build Benchmarks for all the positions within your organization. Benchmarks are built using an analysis of the characteristics of the top performers in a position, input from management surveys, or a combination of these two sources of information.
Prevue Benchmark Development Process
Prevue Benchmarks can be selected from the Prevue Benchmark Library or developed from one or a combination of the following benchmark development methods.
- PREVUE BENCHMARK LIBRARY: Benchmarks can be selected from the Benchmark Library simply by matching your job description to the position descriptions for the 700+ positions in the Library.
- CONCURRENT STUDY: This method uses the Prevue Assessment results of four or more top performers working in the selected position to determine the characteristics and traits that are common to those who are successful in the position;
- JOB DESCRIPTION SURVEY: This method is based on management’s opinion of the characteristics that are required for success in the position. Job Description Surveys are completed by managers or others familiar with the position and the results are tabulated online to identify the Prevue Benchmark that reflects management’s opinion.
All Prevue Benchmarks should be reviewed periodically to ensure the Benchmark is kept aligned with the changes in the requirements and demands of the job as well as changes in the corporate culture.