The Prevue Questionnaire is based on the ICES Plus Assessment Test, an accurate, valid and reliable psychometric assessment that measures work-related characteristics of people through their responses to a set of questions. It was developed exclusively for View Assessments International Inc. by world-renowned psychometric experts.
Research Team
The ICES Plus Assessment was designed and developed with the assistance and under the direction of Dr. David Bartram and his team of psychologists at Newland Park & Associates Limited in Hull, England during the early 1990’s. Dr. Bartram and his team are world leaders in the design and use of psychometric assessment tests.
The research and studies undertaken by Newland Park & Associates Limited in the development of the ICES Plus Assessment and the Approach to Work Test assure that products derived from the use of these tests are legal, valid and reliable. There are few normative test batteries that have been developed in the last 20 years that can match the quality of the test batteries that have been developed for the Publisher by the Newland Park team. Dr. Patricia Lindley has succeeded Dr. Bartram as the managing director of Newland Park & Associates Limited. She directs the current team, comprised of Dr. Lindley, Dr. Iain Coyne and Penny Smith-Lee Chong.
Testing and Assessment: An Employer's Guide to Good Practices
Good Practices The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
While there are any number of reasons to use assessments, there are just as many naysayers who rely on gut feel or intuition to make their hiring, coaching, development and training decisions.
To those gifted individuals who never make a mistake, that always get it right, we wish you all the best! And we are extremely jealous!
We need as much information as we can gather, quickly and efficiently, to help us make a more informed decision concerning these incredibly important decisions.
And while we still don’t get it right every time, the percentage of success climb as we utilize the various tools at our disposal.
For those of you that fall into our category, we are here to help.
Please email or call us with questions and comments and we will do our best to support your efforts. Or we will at least point you in a direction that might lead to a better result.
The link below will bring you to a guide we found on O*net from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration that provide a starting point with solid guidelines specific to assessments.
In today’s competitive marketplace and complex legal environment, employers face the challenge of attracting, developing, and retaining the best employees. Michael Eisner, CEO of the Disney Corporation, recognized the impact of personnel decisions on a business’ bottom-line when he remarked, “My inventory goes home every night.”
This Guide is designed to help managers and human resource (HR) professionals use assessment practices to reach their organizations’ HR goals. It conveys the essential concepts of employment testing in easy-to-understand terms so that managers and HR professionals can:
- Evaluate and select assessment tools/procedures that maximize chances for getting the right fit between jobs and employees.
- Administer and score assessment tools that are the most efficient and effective for their particular needs.
- Accurately interpret assessment results.
- Understand the professional and legal standards to be followed when conducting personnel assessment.
We hope you find the guide and our site useful in your efforts!
Employment Tests and Selection Procedures
Employers often use tests and other selection procedures to screen applicants for hire and employees for promotion. There are many different types of tests and selection procedures, including cognitive tests, personality tests, medical examinations, credit checks, and criminal background checks.
The use of tests and other selection procedures can be a very effective means of determining which applicants or employees are most qualified for a particular job. However, use of these tools can violate the federal anti-discrimination laws if an employer intentionally uses them to discriminate based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or age (40 or older). Use of tests and other selection procedures can also violate the federal anti-discrimination laws if they disproportionately exclude people in a particular group by race, sex, or another covered basis, unless the employer can justify the test or procedure under the law.