This report provides information on Aaron Sample’s approach or response to a number of work-related subjects. The information is provided to assist management in gaining a better understanding of the candidate to support selection and development decisions. The Approach to Work Report will help to answer questions such as: Is the candidate inclined to take risks? Does the candidate live to work or work to live? Is the candidate better motivated by a fixed salary or flexible income?
The Approach to Work scales are derived from one or a composite of the Prevue Personality scales that are addressed in the Prevue Personality Assessment. The candidate’s scores on the Approach to Work scales should provide a better understanding of the candidate’s natural approach to several significant work situations or requirements that are experienced in most types of employment.

WORKS TO LIVE (1) VS. LIVES TO WORK (10):– The Focus on Work scale provides information on the importance of work to the participant.
QUESTIONS RULES (1) vs. ADHERES TO RULES (10):-The Compliance scale identifies an individual’s inclination to adhere to rules set by an employer and resist the temptation of intentionally engaging in behaviors that are considered to be detrimental to an organization’s productivity or workforce attitudes.
LEADERSHIP STYLE – DEMOCRATIC (1) VS. COMMANDING (10):- Leadership Style is measured from 1 for those who prefer a nurturing style of leadership to 10 for those who are naturally inclined to a more demanding Leadership Style
FIXED SALARY (1) VS. COMMISSION/BONUS (10):- The Compensation Preference scale identifies whether a person is more motivated to work by a secure salary or by performance based remuneration.
APPROACH TO LISTENING – SYMPATHETIC (1) VS. CONTROLLING (10):– The Approach to Listening scale is measured from 1 for a person who is an exceptionally sympathetic listener to 10 for a person who tends to dominate a conversation.
CAREFUL (1) VS. DARING (10):- This Approach to Risk scale is measured from 1 for avoidance of risky behavior to 10 for willingness to engage in risk.
LIKES ROUTINE (1) VS. LIKES CHANGE (10):- This scale identifies where the participant fits in the continuum between a structured environment with a fixed routine and a dynamic fast changing working environment.
APPROACH TO CONFLICT – ACCOMMODATING (1) vs. FORCEFUL (10):- This scale distinguishes those who avoid conflict by being accommodating from those who are forceful in their approach to conflict.
CAUTIOUS (1) VS. OPTIMISTIC (10):- This scale distinguishes those who approach new ventures or issues with caution from those who approach new ventures with optimism.
TASK FOCUSED (1) vs. PERSON FOCUSED (10):- This team characteristic scale distinguishes those who focus on the needs of the task or project in hand from those who are focused on their own and their team members’ needs.
SELF FOCUSED (1) vs. RELATIONSHIP FOCUSED (10):- This team characteristic scale distinguishes those who are self focused from those who are inclined to focus on others on the team.