The assessment helps managers identify development priorities and determine their known and unknown strengths by comparing their own self-perceptions to those of their supervisor, direct reports, and peers.
The following is a part of the 360 process taken from the Perspectives Participant workbook:
Step 2 Next review the Competency Ranking Report.
- Consider the competencies at the bottom of the page (e.g., perhaps the bottom five in each list), especially those that appear in the bottom five across more than one list. These represent the areas where your results indicate relatively higher development needs.
- Keep in mind that this report is not meant to convey that these competencies are your development needs. Rather, the competencies listed near the bottom should serve as a pointer to potential development areas.
- You can concentrate your development efforts on a competency as a whole, or you can focus on only one behavior within the competency.
- Record any questions and/or notes in the margins of the report.

Setting Goals for Change
Step 1 List your priority development areas
Step 2 Identify 2 – 4 development activities
Step 3 Identify other individuals who can be involved in your development
Step 4 Determine a realistic time frame
Step 5 …..