Employee Support: Perspectives 360 Assessment
Perspectives is a research-based, 68 item, assessment that gives Managers an objective analysis of their Management effectiveness in 17 competencies. Perspectives is specifically designed for 360-degree feedback.
The assessment helps managers identify development priorities and determine their known and unknown strengths by comparing their own self-perceptions to those of their supervisor, direct reports, and peers.
Perspectives is available for administration in your organization online or with paper & pencil questionnaires. In either case, reports are computer processed and returned to whoever is designated to receive the confidential results.

A Complete 360-degree Feedback Cycle for One Manager
This includes:
- Questionnaires for all raters
- Report processing
- Participant interpretation and development planning materials and job-aids.
- Development suggestions linked to highest development needs.
The Power of 360 Degree Feedback for Managers
The 360° assessment process can be immensely valuable when the right assessment and the right approach are matched with the organization.
Our expert product managers are experienced helping organizations implement Perspectives to ensure the programs success.
Your facilitators or coaches will know how to overcome all the challenges associated with managers receiving performance feedback from peers and direct reports.
Why Should You Choose Our 360° Feedback Program for Your Organization?
Flexibility—This multirater assessment can be used as a self-assessment or with supervisors, peers, and direct reports in any combination for 360° Feedback.
Easy to Administer— Perspectives can be completed with paper and pencil, or online.
Report results are processed and shipped to the client within 48 hours. Online results can be processed and emailed to you virtually instantly.
Comprehensive Administrator’s Manual— Guides you through your first interpretation seminar and assists with program administration.
Confidentiality Guaranteed—No matter what method you use to administer 360° Feedback, our process ensures confidentiality so that peers and direct reports can feel comfortable giving honest feedback.

Relevant Feedback—The assessment provides a method for accurately measuring competencies. Rather than answering questions about particular Management competencies that can be difficult or impossible to make judgments about, respondents are asked to rate specific, observable behaviors associated with these competencies.
Convenient—We process your data and return reports with interpretation support materials as soon as questionnaires are completed and sent to Hiring Solutions. Online administration is handled by Hiring Solutions. You are updated on participant progress to the degree that suits your needs.
Group Reports Available—Now HR departments can plan for development needs corporate-wide! This 360° Feedback program can be used throughout the organization as part of a complete strategy for improving management performance.