Employee Retention: Prevue Succession Planning and Employee Promotions

Succession planning is not only identifying the future leaders of a company but also planning for potential vacancies throughout the organization. Our Succession Planning and Promotion Solutions accomplish both of these functions, providing you with the answers you need to plan for the future.

Prevue Online system can quickly and easily create tailored job benchmarks for the various positions throughout an organization. Once in place a candidate can be compared to multiple benchmarks for career and succession planning. As well, multiple candidates can be compared to one benchmark to identify the best candidate for succession planning or to fill a current vacancy.

Some examples of the questions that we can help you answer are set out below:

  • Should I promote one of my sales reps to sales manager?
  • Who in the plant should be the next plant supervisor?
  • Which one of my customer service reps is the next outside sales rep?
  • Which of my staff are best suited for senior management positions?
  • Which employees should be leading my company’s various departments in 10 years?


Our Succession Planning and Promotion Solutions leverage the strength of Prevue Benchmarks. A Prevue Benchmark identifies the desired characteristics of an employee for a particular position. To learn more about Prevue Benchmarks and how they are created, click here.


All of our Prevue Reports are delivered via the web through the Prevue Online platform. Users simply enter the name and email address of the candidates they would like assess and the platform does the rest:

Candidates are automatically invited to complete the Prevue Assessment Questionnaire online.

Once the Prevue Assessment is completed, Prevue Online analyzes the candidate’s responses and delivers informative and reliable reports back to management.